Mental Health Services in RI & CT

Speak to a Patient Care Coordinator401.294.0451 (RI) or 203.298.1967 (CT)
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RICBT is a mental health practice based in Rhode Island and operating in Connecticut, too, under the OneCBT brand. We are passionate about helping you to overcome all sorts of problems you might be having in your life through personalized therapy, coaching, medication, and multidisciplinary mental health services.

Mental Health Services In RI & CT

RICBT is a mental health practice based in Rhode Island and operating in New Haven, Connecticut under the OneCBT brand. We are passionate about helping you to overcome all sorts of problems you might be having in your life. These include:

    • emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety, shame, or guilt
    • behavioral problems, such as procrastination, avoidance, disorganization, or bad habits
    • mental or cognitive problems, such as low self-esteem, pessimism, or rumination about the negative parts of yourself or your past.

More broadly, we want to help you face a wide range of relationship problems, such as too little intimacy or too much conflict with your family or friends. We would also love to help you develop a better plan for your career and your future – a plan that plays to your strengths and authentic interests.

We use the training and talent of a unique group of professionals to help you make changes. We do all we can to form a team with you – what we call an alliance – and to help you identify goals. We then work with you to develop a game plan to achieve your goals, and to learn whatever you need in order to reach them. We keep you accountable for your part of the journey, and usually find a way to make progress feel exciting and enjoyable.

Groups & Classes

Couple's Workshop

To many people, joining a group, workshop, or program is intimidating. However, if you are like most of our participants, you will be so glad you pushed through your fears.

  • DBT
  • ADD
  • Weight
  • Trauma
  • Mindfulness
  • Teen / High School
  • And more…

Learn more about our Groups and Classes

Please call our number to inquire about becoming a new patient

Our Specializations

Your child may be inattentive, distractible, or hyperactive. You may struggle with organization, time-management, and impulsivity. Your frustration builds as you miss deadlines and can’t seem to get it together. Learn More >

You may have frequent anger episodes in which you act aggressively and make others want to keep their distance. Your anger ultimately ruins many of your relationships. Learn More >

Anxiety may lead your head to be filled with worries and your body to be filled with signs of tension. You probably are fighting a losing battle to avoid situations which trigger you. Learn More >

If you are depressed, you may feel hopeless, bad about yourself — like you are nothing but flaws – and sapped of energy. You have trouble finding much pleasure in anything. Learn More >

You obsess about your shape or weight. Your eating feels out of control. Or, you cling to rigid rules about what you eat and are significantly underweight. Learn More >

You may have trouble managing the emotional aftermath of a loss, or you may struggle to move forward in a changed world. It can be hard to re-engage in your life. Learn More >

Bad habits can limit your life and seem impossible to change. It could be biting your nails, picking your skin, or pulling out your hair. It could be eating fast food every day on the way home. Learn More >

Coping with chronic pain can leave you depressed and avoiding too much of your life, afraid of the discomfort of activities. Your pain can push relationships to the background. Learn More >

Your romantic relationship may be marked by too much conflict or too much distance. Your sexual life may be absent or frustrating. An emotional or sexual affair can lead to crisis. Learn More >

If you aren’t sleeping well, it can be hard to function. You may have trouble falling asleep or end up wide awake in the middle of the night. You may worry a lot of the day about what will happen tonight. Learn More >

You have probably tried to quit before and had trouble breaking the cycle of nicotine addiction. Smoking likely serves many functions for you, helping you to relax or escape. Learn More >

You are sick of being overweight and sick of extreme approaches that inevitably fail. You know what you need to do — or so you think — but you seem to lack the discipline to change. Learn More >

Your RICBT and OneCBT Team

 You will likely be surprised by how easy it is to talk to your RICBT or OneCBT therapist. They care deeply and know a ton.

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Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.